The conventional packaging method is to first rinse the bottle and then fill it.
But nowadays, a better modern method to meet food sanitary requirements is to reserve the tops of the bottle necks before the bottles are sent to the beverage factory.
As the top necks of the bottles are removed by the neck trimmer and then immediately sent to the filler.
The advantages are no need to rinse the empty bottles to save water and avoid the leftover cleaning liquid in the bottles and the problem of sewage treatment.
The neck trimmer is a rotary machine. It is suitable for removing the top neck of HDPE bottles.
The spare parts are easily exchangeable for handling different bottle sizes and the operation is done without using any tools.
Ihren Wünschen sind keine Grenzen gesetzt:
Sie entscheiden über die Qualität der Öle und das Aussehen der Etiketten und der Verpackung.
Flexibilität ist unsere Stärke:
Produkte, die wir selbst produzieren, können wir gerne nach Ihren Wünschen gestalten, herstellen und in entsprechender Verpackung - ebenfalls in Ihrer Eigenlinie - für Sie bereitstellen.
Eigenlinien-Diffuer 100mlZoom
Eigenlinien-3er Pack Duftöle 10mlZoom
Artikel mit Eigendesign aus unserer Produktion:
ätherische Öle und Parfümöle (in z.B. 10ml Fläschchen mit Tropfeinsatz)
Massageöle & Massagekerzen
Art des Öles:100% Ätherisches Öl
Düfte:Eigenkreation, Zirbe, Kiefernnadel, Lavendel...über 200 verschiedene Düfte und Mischungen
Grössen:10ml 20ml 100ml 1000ml bzw auf Anfrage
Zertifizierung:Bio, IFS
Lactose is natural milk sugar. Lactose is separated from pasteurized whey and concentrated. Lactose, which is carefully refined (purified) after undergoing the crystallization process, is dried in turbo dryers and ground to the desired particle size in special mills and packaged untouched by human hands. It does not contain any inhibitors.
500g glass jar (can be also ordered in 1300g plastic jar)
SELECTION REGION: Krasnodarskiy krai
Collected in the southern regions of our country, acacia honey has an amazing floral aroma. Its color varies from light to yellow-lemon. The collection of acacia honey lasts only a couple of weeks a year, in mid-May. Immediately after pumping, such honey is slightly thicker than drinking water. One of its features is that acacia honey does not crystallize for a very long time. This is due to the increased content of fructose in it and reduced content of sucrose. It makes this type one of few varieties of honey suitable for the diet of diabetics.
Acacia honey has many healing properties. With its constant use metabolism and hematopoiesis improves, hemoglobin in the blood increases. Acacia honey is known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
Pasta G gluten-free rice pasta with cheese, tomatoes and basil. is a combination of rice flour with the addition of natural cheese powder, dried tomatoes, dried basil, and paprika. Pasta that tastes and conquers from the first time.
From a scientific point of view, rice flour has almost a full range of useful ingredients needed by the body for normal work.
It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and does not contain gluten at all.
It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: add pasta to salted boiling water, taking into account 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes until ready.
Sale in Gocce è il primo sale liquido e a basso contenuto di sodio ad essere ricavato dall'acqua di mare. Grazie ad un innovativo sistema di produzione che gli permette di eliminare il sodio in eccesso e a mantenere tutte le caratteristiche
benefiche degli oligoelementi naturali presenti nell'acqua di mare.
Sale in Gocce mantiene lo stesso gusto del sale tradizionale
Sale in Gocce si usa in totale
sostituzione del sale comune.
E’ Il condimento sia per cucinare che per
insaporire direttamente gli alimenti.
2,5 ml di Sale in Gocce corrisponde 1 g si sale comune
14oz Paper Cup with CMYK Printing Option.
Product size 90*58*110
260 and 280 gsm optional.
No print on boxes. Custom label per your request is available.
Competitive prices and lead-time.
Please contact for more details.
Volume (max.):410 ml
Avec sa saveur mélangeant douceur et acidité, ce macaron rafraîchissant aux figues vous mettra de bonne humeur !
Poids du macaron : entre 16 et 18g.
Allergènes et intolérances : Fruits à coques, œuf, peut contenir des traces de soja. Produit sans gluten
Aptamil 1 mit pronutra (800 Gramm) EAN number: 4008976022329 ( 1X 800 Grams Unit) (Carton have 4 X 800 Grams units)
Aptamil 2 mit pronutra (800 Gramm) EAN number: 4008976022336( 1X 800 Grams Unit) (Carton have 4 X 800 Grams units)
Aptamil 3 mit pronutra(800 Gramm) EAN number: 4008976022343( 1X 800 Grams Unit) (Carton have 4 X 800 Grams units)
Aptamil 1+ mit pronutra EAN number 4008976022305 (1 X 600 grams) ( Carton have 5 X 600 Grams units)
Aptamil 2+ mit Pronutra EAN number 4008976022312 (1 X 600 grams) ( Carton have 5 X 600 Grams units)
Number of units per truck / Container : 10000 units
Number of units per carton: 4 units
Number of cartons per pallets : 125 cartons
Number of pallets per truck / container: 20 pallets
Please kindly contact us with your email address , so as for us to send you the soft offer.
Nossa máquina de bolo de arroz SYP (Máquina de padaria) é projetado de tal forma que ele pode produzir Snack de grão Popping / Chip / Cracker / Cake usando grãos 100% naturais.
Atualmente dispositivos mecânicos estão sendo feitos, mas não é capaz de lidar com a alta pressão continuamente e produz produtos não uniformes. Suas peças, como correntes e motores são desgastados facilmente e provoca quebras freqüentes.
Nossa máquina de bolo de arroz 'SYP' corrigiu essas falhas e usa hidráulica para produzir produtos uniformes e aumentou significativamente sua durabilidade.
Além disso, a variedade de moldes estão disponíveis em diferentes tamanhos e formas para satisfazer as necessidades do cliente.
Máquinas pequenas podem ser produzidas para lojas locais e máquinas maiores podem ser produzidas também para fábricas.
Para maiores informações entre em contato conosco !!
Equipo diseñado para la dosificación de sólidos (aceitunas, encurtidos, legumbres, etc.) mediante rebose que incorpora un sistema de vibración de envases en la salida de la máquina que retira el producto sobrante (colmo) de la boca de llenado de los frascos, devolviéndolo nuevamente a la rampa de dosificación a través de una cinta de retorno.
Es un dosificador muy sencillo y de fácil mantenimiento que se adapta a la perfección a distintos rangos o niveles de producción, productos y formatos de envase, según las necesidades de cada cliente.
A pesar de su sencillez, Emerito utiliza los mejores materiales tanto en el acero como en el resto de componentes que incorpora, facilitando de este modo su robustez y su durabilidad en el tiempo en cualquier condición de trabajo.
Disponemos de varios modelos de dosificador de sólidos que cuentan con diferentes tecnologías para adaptarse a cualquier proceso de producción.
Les usages de la Terre de Diatomée sont multiples.
La terre de diatomée Eco-conseils provient d'un fournisseur français et est mise en sachet dans notre atelier à la main.La Terre de Diatomée La Fée du Logis Vert est un produit naturel extrait de carrières naturelles, sans transformation chimique. Elle est composée de dioxyde de silicium composé de fossiles d'algues microscopiques.
Elle absorbe parfaitement les mauvaises odeurs (poubelles, litières, chaussures,...). D'autres utilisations diverses et variées sont à ajouter à la liste, complément alimentaire, fabrication de peintures, assainissement de l'environnement,...
Issue de la silice amorphe, elle est non toxique pour l'Homme ou les animaux domestiques et peut s'utiliser aussi bien à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur.
12 Oz Hot Drink Cup - Paper Cups for HOT DRINK
Product Weight:7,10 gr
Weight:14900 GR
Size:40,5x40,5x64 sm
Jasmine rice is a species of long -grained rice, which is bred primarily in Thailand and used in Asian cuisine. In addition to Thailand, which is its main supplier, jasmine rice is currently grown in Cambodia, southern Vietnam and Laos. One of its characteristic features is a slightly noticeable, sweet fragrance reminiscent of jasmine - this is where its name came from. It also has a specific, very slightly sweet taste, sometimes referred to as honey. Jasmine has a lot of nutritional values. First of all, it is a great source of carbohydrates and protein, and at the same time has little fat, so it is often chosen by people practicing sport or slimming. It can also be consumed by those who have digestive problems - jasmine rice is easily digestible and does not burden the stomach, although it leaves a feeling of satiety. Rice is a gluten -free product. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, vitamin E and potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.
When brought into contact with foods, some of the requirements optimally fulfilled by our knives include the minimization of cutting waste, no sticking of the foods, perfect cutting surfaces, insensitivity to acids, no risks to hygiene and cleaning.
Chili Con Pinto est un délicieux plat prêt en 5 minutes. Ça n'a pas besoin d'être malsain rapidement! Le pot est rempli à ras bord de légumes, de haricots et d'épices sans ajout de sucre, d'huile de palme ou de conservateurs. Il contient des fibres, des protéines, des vitamines et des minéraux. Le pot a 2 parties du plat. Fasola Pinto est une variété beige beige beige avec des taches bordeaux caractéristiques. Il s'agit d'une source de précieuses fibres alimentaires, de précieuses protéines et vitamines et minéraux nécessaires pour maintenir la santé. Les ingrédients contenus dans les haricots pinto régulent le cholestérol, empêchent l'augmentation rapide de la glycémie et ont un effet positif sur le travail du système nerveux. La comité, les pois chiches, les oignons, le céleri et les carottes sont une source de fibres alimentaires, d'antioxydants et de vitamines, y compris B, C, feuille acide, calcium, fer, magnésium, potassium, zinc.
Sweet and crunchy yet juicy, our IQF pomegranate provides you with a nutritious and delicious treat all year long.
Keep Frozen Below -18° C
Packing Types